Burrowing Owl
I decided to experiment with a few blending tools on this one to see if it could speed up my time, as having my neck issues means I can’t sit for long periods. I thought I would try some graphite powder, and oh my gosh that stuff just goes EVERYWHERE! It is so so messy you only have to look at it and boom it’s on everything! The jar is now squirrelled away on the top shelf in disgrace.
I also got a bunch of blending stumps and sponges, and well, let’s just say that my humble cotton bud and 4b pencil will not be retiring any time soon! Sometimes the best method just ends up being the one you are familiar with.
Original and prints available
16×12 graphite on HP paper
M. Platte
You might think that dealing only with one colour is easier, but it can actually be more challenging to balance the tones correctly so that you have both a dramatic picture and realism.
9 x 12 graphite
Rebecca Preece
graphite, sketchblog